By Anonymous - 07/11/2013 17:12 - Ireland

Today, I was pouring boiling water into a cup, and I accidentally spilled it all over my hand. My mother responded by slapping me for getting water everywhere. My hand is scorched red, but thanks, I love you too, mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 688
You deserved it 4 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i dont see how some moms can be like that deffo sucks

She should apologize for her "heated" attitude.


Tea tree oil will help and aloe gel. I've recently experienced something similar. I burned my hand with hot coffee right before I was to drive 8hours to see my family. Once I got there they didn't care about my now blistered hand instead they were mad because I brought my dogs. Gotta love or not love mothers.

My mother would yell at me every time I spilled something by accident as a kid. One day I was eating at my grandparents' and knocked over a glass of juice, and started bawling because I thought my grandmother would start yell at me too. She didn't. I don't get it, it's not like I spilled it on purpose. :(

PhillyG53 3

If it makes you feel better my mom would've done the same thing.

I guess you could say.., things got heated,... no? OK

I'm really sorry your mom slapped you. If she slaps you a lot, please know that you don't deserve that. No one does.

Wow, I'm sorry, OP. Your mom sounds rotten. This sounds like abuse. Cold water (not ice) is the best thing for a burn.

stand up for yourself and smack her back

When my brother was shanking me with my moms keys my mother replied "Tyler don't **** up my keys"