By Anonymous - 07/11/2013 17:12 - Ireland

Today, I was pouring boiling water into a cup, and I accidentally spilled it all over my hand. My mother responded by slapping me for getting water everywhere. My hand is scorched red, but thanks, I love you too, mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 688
You deserved it 4 049

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i dont see how some moms can be like that deffo sucks

She should apologize for her "heated" attitude.


GwennaRose 22

No one loves you like your mother

my mother is the same way. I got hit for setting my book bag down to help her do something so the next day I said just a moment so I could put my book bag in my room and got my arse beat for telling her just a moment. Either way I got slapped and couldn't please her.

My mother has done the same thing o.p . She'll eventually feel bad and hopefully say sorry.

the_shift 13

That's cold... Or should I say hot

doglover100 28

I hate parents that get all upset when you spill something. When I was younger my dad would yell at me and give me time outs if I accidentally spilled my drink.