By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 21:27 - Canada

Today, I was puked on for the third time in three years at our annual choir concert. What makes it so significant? The fact that the same guy pukes on me every year from stage fright. We're arranged alphabetically, and he's always in the row RIGHT above me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 243
You deserved it 4 659

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why do you keep showing up for that? Why do they keep him in the choir? It seems as though somebody could do something about it. If you're not willing to, then quit whining. And really, why haven't you given him a pre-emptive punch in the nuts by now?

Moreover, why are they arranged alphabetically??? This doesn't seem like a very good choir.


K heres what you do next year. Make a hat with a big bowl taped to the top of it. Then when they puke on you it will go in the bowl. Then proceed to take it off and pour their own nasty shit on them, punch them in the face, and tell them karmas a bitch.

What you need to do is puke on the choir director. Just say you thought you'd share in the fun, and thank him for making such a sensible decision to allow Mr. Barfy to be in the choir after barfing two years in a row on YOU.

Blinky_fml 0

..It's not normal rubbing vomit in your hair?

Colby_Colbert 0

Marry the guy so you can stand next to him. Divorce him the day after the concert. You'll still be next to the puke, but you won't be UNDER it. Problem solved.

Colleennn1579 0

if that kid gets stage fright every year I think he should quit. I mean what's the point of joining choir and getting scared when you go to sing?

ILoveJace01 0

Omg that sucks. Try and get a new spot.

flyboy57 0

did you punch him in the nose 3 years in a row?

You should have asked to switch spots after the first time someone puked on you, dumbass.