By Anonymous - 13/11/2015 13:34

Today, I was reading comments on an FML, and saw some made from my girlfriend's account. Now I know she's one of those people who say "Dump him!" even when the situation clearly doesn't warrant dumping. Looks like I might be in for a sudden breakup in the future. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 623
You deserved it 2 671

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or just as bad are the ones that go, "I'm sure you're beautiful/handsome OP!" Bitch please, you don't know that.


ea247 20
splinteredApple 36

Sorry to break it to you pal, but we can clearly see that your gender is set to male.

could be trans and they started the process after making the account. I mean, it's hella unlikely

amberdea404 28

The wording of this is weird, I'm confused. Someone explain.

I was going to, but you didn't say please

his girlfriend is on this app, and says "dump them" for the stupidest things

that it's only about... most chicks on fml

#34 los like you need someone to explain OP'S FML to you so read #22's comment so you actually know what's going on.

34, no, we don't. I've seen more logical comments from females than illogical comments, and that's quite surprising.

fashionbug9880 22

64, how exactly is that surprising?

Careful, now she'll probably read this one.

and laugh, not realising it is in fact about her

I'm waiting for her to not realize it's about her and then throw a "dump her" in the comments.

that's why it was post from anonymous account. ;)

#19 That's probably why OP made it anonymous so she wouldn't know it was him.

Or hope that she does, and then hope she tells him to dump her (unknowing that he is talking about her due to it being anonymous) so he has a reason to besides her posting on FML.

At least you might qualify for the six word autobiography: "I'm so meta, even this acronym"

thatonetribute 31

don't worry she might just not be so serious about her comments. .