By Me - 05/01/2010 07:16 - France

Today, I was rejected for a job I really wanted, they said I didn't have enough experience. I designed the systems they are implementing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 807
You deserved it 2 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You built the system, right? So create a virus and crash it, it'll cost them tons!

go somewhere else that uses the same system. and thank you ^ for not sayin first.


If you built the system, I'm assuming you told them that, and indicated that in your resume? Are you the ONLY one who designed it?

Lol #57 is a Eddie Izzard fan... That sucks! FYL!

faolbushcraft 0

The hiring manager is probably concerned you would take his job. You designing the systems shows that they are inept to a certain degree. I have experience with this myself, in technology. I never did that to someone, but I saw plenty of managers that were that way.

Maybe the system they use sucks? Design FAIL.

well if you designed the system then if something goes wrong who are they going to ask

bieberfreak18 0

I'm surprised to find that after reading all of the comments NONE of you came to the possibility that maybe the company legitimately bought the system that op designed? How could op sue them in that case? Also, maybe he designed it for some IT company while working for said IT company meaning its their intellectual property not his?

I'm surprised to find that after reading all of the comments NONE of you came to the possibility that maybe the company legitimately bought the system that op designed? How could op sue them in that case? Also, maybe he designed it for some IT company while working for said IT company meaning its their intellectual property not his?

give them a glitchy version next time ;)