By anonmys - 18/07/2010 21:47 - United States

Today, I was riding the train and saw a cute guy licking his lips at me. Flattered, I gave him my number when the train stopped. He looked at me and said, "Don't flatter yourself. You have mustard on your face." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 462
You deserved it 19 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time for you to ketchup with the times and realize nobody licks their lips anymore to show signs of affection.

...Yeah, he could've just tapped your shoulder and told you like a normal person.


xSarahBaabyx94 0

he lucked his lips at you so you give him your phone number?? wth, who does that anymore and OP, couldn't you feel stuff on your face? YDI /:

LOveLy_LOla 0

wow!! tht must really suck!! i bet u felt like a real loser!! smh!!

JimmyWeir 0

I'd be like "that's all the licking your gonna get today"!

Slappyzezima 0

someones a ****, aren't they?

wow you mist be fat and ugly, or else this is fake and gay..

tellmeastoryplz4 0

why would you be flattered if a guy was licking his lips at you? I'd be creeped out..

stop suckin off big bird and this problem won't happen

mustard on the face-yellow ****?-big bird. eh, i tried. i'll say it myself, fail.

Raleigh_bruh 7

Nah, it was funny aha. It's just when you read the same comments and then get to yours, it's like wtf all of a sudden haha.

BabyDacey 0

a guy licking his lips at you.. that gets you turned on? as if