By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 14:08 - United States

Today, I was running outside. On the last mile I am along side some fields. While running along the side of the road I glanced down and saw a snake. I was so startled I jumped left in front of a car screaming like a girl. The snake was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 482
You deserved it 13 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never understood what was wrong with "screaming like a girl." Why is it "girly" to scream over something that terrifies you? Oh, I guess you could stay silent while that weed-wacker is coming towards you. You'll die, but at least you wouldn't have died "manly." -_-

I would still freak out if the snake were dead.


waxstigmata 0

well, it was a real snake, how could you have known if you were running? glad youre not dead from the car!

#13, If you didn't know that, then you're going to be shocked that you can run inside too, and since it was relevant to the story, I suggest you shut the F*** up with the stupid sarcasm. And to all you going on and on about the term 'screams like a girl' to be sexist, think before you speak. Generally, girl screams are more high-pitched and panicy than guys screams. Its sexist in the same way 'tom girl' is used to describe a girl who acts like a guy, or any other term like it. I suggest you all Stop trying to find a problem where there is none.

thats still a ****** snake! you don't know if in a split second its dead or its about to strike....then again, I wouldn't scream like a little bitch about it

briana83 0

That sucks :-( I'm not afraid of snakes, but I'm terrified of roaches. If I see one I scream and run as fast as I can away from it. I don't bother waiting to see if it's alive. I totally sympathize. FYL.

Your survival instincts could use some honing if you reflexively see a moving vehicle as less dangerous than a snake.

Socrates_fml 0

u can survive at least a couple hours from a poisonous snake bite, but you won't last long with your head separated from your torso. choose better next time. here's a hint: one of them can heal

periodictable 0

35 - he said he jumped to the left if he was on the correct side of the road (in the states) he would have ended up in the grass, not in traffic

OP: Your life isn't ******. You didn't get run over. Consider yourself lucky. 35 and 47: It only matters which side of the road you run on when there isn't a sidewalk. If there is, it's not an issue. The OP didn't specify, so quibbling over it is pretty useless.

catballou 1

Dead or alives, snakes scare me to death, too. Sorry, buddy.

youhavenolife69 0

dead snake=1: OP= 0 lol that suks #13 you are an idiot. the snake will bite you if you try to jump over moron