By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 14:08 - United States

Today, I was running outside. On the last mile I am along side some fields. While running along the side of the road I glanced down and saw a snake. I was so startled I jumped left in front of a car screaming like a girl. The snake was dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 482
You deserved it 13 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Never understood what was wrong with "screaming like a girl." Why is it "girly" to scream over something that terrifies you? Oh, I guess you could stay silent while that weed-wacker is coming towards you. You'll die, but at least you wouldn't have died "manly." -_-

I would still freak out if the snake were dead.


Phobias are phobias. But I agree with #5.

snakes kill. allways best to jump away screaming like a girl :) even dead snakes can kill.. snakes are why i like winter here :)

It's a snake, your reaction is justified

FMLFML123123 0

I saw a dead snake when I was running to. There wasn't any cars around just a ton of people and they all saw me jump and scream. And then I almost fell into a ditch with muddy water cause I jumped so bad!

... why is everyone freaking out it's just a snake!

How would you know it was dead at first? Don't be too hard on yourself dude.

ascertaint 0

funny...but not really fml.

sdawl 0

Never understood what was wrong with "screaming like a girl." Why is it "girly" to scream over something that terrifies you? Oh, I guess you could stay silent while that weed-wacker is coming towards you. You'll die, but at least you wouldn't have died "manly." -_- by konkonsn He meens in a high pitched squeaky voice