By whatisthisidonteven - 23/09/2012 09:23 - Israel - Ramat Gan

Today, I was scheduled for an interview at a local firm owned by two partners. The secretary told me to be there at around 12:00 to 12:30 pm, so I arrived at 12:15. The first boss told me off for being early, the other one yelled at me for being late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 981
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3
perdix 29

Sounds like a delightful work environment. They're bitching at you even before you're on the payroll.


Whistlee 8

Smells corrupt. Leave that job.

Looks like communication and organization is both a problem at the firm. I would rethink whether it is worth working there or not (if you get an offer).

That's bs. No boss would tell you off for being early, it looks good and the worst thing it does to them is they let you wait.

I'm sure if you suck up to them, everything will be ok!

You guys are missing the main point! The bosses were just trolling and in league with the secretary!

If the meeting was between 12-1230, u should have gotten there at 11:45

12 was the starting time.. Should have been there at 11:45

I wouldn't want to work there. I find it odd that companies act like that, too. One time, a company that I applied to apparently scheduled me for a job interview but didn't tell me. One day, I got a call from someone there who said "Did you know you had a job interview set up with us today at 10:00?"

sacredeye73 11

You should have told the secretary you needed a specific time. 12-1230 doesn't cut it.