By whatisthisidonteven - 23/09/2012 09:23 - Israel - Ramat Gan

Today, I was scheduled for an interview at a local firm owned by two partners. The secretary told me to be there at around 12:00 to 12:30 pm, so I arrived at 12:15. The first boss told me off for being early, the other one yelled at me for being late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 981
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lauren10102 3
perdix 29

Sounds like a delightful work environment. They're bitching at you even before you're on the payroll.


watsonpsykosis 10

I agree that you were late. They said 12 to 12:30, that's means show up at 11:45; always show up early for interviews. This is one reason why college grads are not getting jobs these days.

being there at 12:25 would still be early, they gave a time frame. its better to be there earlier but no one has the right to criticize you if youre there near the latter time. plus, when given a timeframe i assume the earlier time is the earliest time necessary

foreverboredZ 4

Tel Aviv! That place is awesome. Sorry about that tho :/

007type 26

Sounds like you are in middle of nowhere....

If anyone ever gives you a time slot ALWAYS be there at the earliest. You should have been there by 11:50, and if they took you at 12:30, you wait till then

Next time, do like me and arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the earliest time.

If for some frightful reason you do get there, i would get specific times and write everything down. However be aware that if you actually do that, and call them out on it, you will still probably lose. One time my dad was mad at me for fighting with my brother and told us to wait in the car and he didn't want us to say a word. I did exactly what he said (i didn't say a word), and i kept a list of every time my brother talked, when he got back i gave it to him. And he yelled at me some more. I think I was 11 or 12. It was still a good lesson.

I hate when people do that! Exact numbers please. I worked at a gas station a few years ago and people would come in and say "Give me 20 to 30 dollars of gas". Annoyed the shit out of me (especially because people would give a disappointed sigh at the number I picked). Now I have an awesome job making three times what I did there and don't need to put up with customers. I wonder if this was a test, to see how you'd respond to something as insane as this. If so, it was a good test. If not, they are idiots.

pabst4america 1

I just flat out don't believe this is true

rocketpopper1030 11