By thompson773 - 20/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I was sick on an airplane. As we were taking off, I felt like I was ready to hurl. I was sitting in the window seat and was unable to get up in time to go to the bathroom so I was forced to grab the nearest container to puke in. It was a glass of juice belonging to the woman next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 352
You deserved it 9 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taureau139 0

Just for future reference... most airlines put barf bags in all the seat pockets.


sparrowhawk_fml 0

If it all fit/stayed in the glass that's pretty lucky actually...

least you didn't puke on her lap. consider yourself lucky, besides she was proably happy because they probably gave her a full free drink

TargetTango 0

Aren't there bags in the pocket thing? And they don't serve drinks on takeoff. FAKE

NancyDeebensDPDS 0

um they don't serve juice or other drinks during take off, idiot. only 5-10 minutes after. fake

NancyDeebensDPDS 0

Why does everyone assume it's orange juice?

bfabb 0

You do know that airplanes supply barf bags right?

ising20 1

its funny... when I was reading this, the suspense was really building up and just as it got to the end and just as I was expecting something extremely bad to happen, u pukes in her cup... really?

u didnt deserv it. i the lady got mad she should be thankful that it wasnt on the floor