By thompson773 - 20/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I was sick on an airplane. As we were taking off, I felt like I was ready to hurl. I was sitting in the window seat and was unable to get up in time to go to the bathroom so I was forced to grab the nearest container to puke in. It was a glass of juice belonging to the woman next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 352
You deserved it 9 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taureau139 0

Just for future reference... most airlines put barf bags in all the seat pockets.


I'm pretty sure they have barf bags on the plane, Smart One. YDI

That's what air sick bags are for and they are located right in front of you. YDI.

the only thing I could do when I read this was laugh

Why didn't u puke in the air sickness bag??

Well, YDI for being such a idiot to don't remember that there is a barf bag right in front of you, and by the way? Shouldn't this be her FML? "Today on the airplane some random (whatever gender you are) puked in my juice glass. FML." So YDI, definitely. ...idiot...

Today, I was on the plane looking forward to my 2-week vacation. Then, out of nowhere, the asshole next to me pukes in my juice. FML

salsa99 6

Im looking for the fml that she wrote

You know there are barf bags in the pocket on the back of the seat in front of you... Awk

What about the barf bags they give you. Why didn't you use that?