By thompson773 - 20/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I was sick on an airplane. As we were taking off, I felt like I was ready to hurl. I was sitting in the window seat and was unable to get up in time to go to the bathroom so I was forced to grab the nearest container to puke in. It was a glass of juice belonging to the woman next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 352
You deserved it 9 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taureau139 0

Just for future reference... most airlines put barf bags in all the seat pockets.


i don't believe this one. they wouldn't serve you drinks before the plane took off and they wouldn't let someone come on with just a cup of juice, a bottle, yes, but how would you barf in that? and anyways, it would've been in her hand because you have to have the trays up and locked during take-off. AND how would it all fit into a cup that already had juice in it? it would've splattered everywhere, which then would've been an fml. and as for everyone saying it's fake because all planes have barf bags, i've ridden six planes in the past week on two different airlines, and not a single one had a barf bag in my seat or the seat next to me.

She could just order another glass, and it can be your treat. No big deal really. Just kind of embarrassing.

don't they have those air sickness bags? o.o

RiChY_BaBy08 0

lol that sucks! last i checked they put little wax paper bags specifically for throwup in the seat pocket by your knees

Jessyca_fml 0

Good thing it wasn't your clothing it would smelled horrible. :) Soo I think you made a wise decision !! :)

j213_fml 0

today, someone puked in my juice, fml

mwmessedupl 0

How the hell did this get made a fml?

rinaldy 0

well its not like she's gonna drink from it- at least u got it in somethen:) not really a big deal

Not a big deal. They'd replace the juice (or worst case, you could buy her another) and probably give her something else to make up for being grossed out. But yeah, they do have barf bags.