By thompson773 - 20/04/2009 04:53 - United States

Today, I was sick on an airplane. As we were taking off, I felt like I was ready to hurl. I was sitting in the window seat and was unable to get up in time to go to the bathroom so I was forced to grab the nearest container to puke in. It was a glass of juice belonging to the woman next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 352
You deserved it 9 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

taureau139 0

Just for future reference... most airlines put barf bags in all the seat pockets.


CherishFlowers 0

Wow, big deal. You puked in her cup. Buy her a new drink.

xoGurlxo 0

tht would be more of a **** her life, not yours. lol, but tht duz suck, i would feel horrible, did u buy her a new drink, at least ? :P

romeyoyo 0

your life is not f'ed... i get airsick all the time so i know how it feels...that sick feeling and the embarassment airsickness bags are my buddies on a plane flight

aweee, well if i was that lady, id be happy you puked in my cup, cause its better then on the floor or in my lap. i could always get another cup of juice, happens to everyone :)

In the long run, I'm sure she would rather have you puke in the glass than on her. Don't feel too bad, it's not something you can help.

xsydbabyx 0

Well she can get another glass of juice. At least you didn't throw up on HER.

this is a stupid f my life. you are an idiot. puke on your own stuff. period.

Miss_Tyff 0

I don't know if I believe this one, so many people post fake stories on here. Like most everyone else have said...they provide barf bags for this very reason. Also, all of your vomit most likely would NOT fit in a cup. And yeah, I've never been on a plane where they served anything while we were taking off. They make everyone, the stewardesses included, stay seated until they level off.

curryndricegirll 0

more like f her l. and some planes do serve before take off, especially if it had been delayed

I'm getting a little sick of these "I puked in some container" FMLs.