By LaurenLehmmman - 27/12/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, I was singing while lying upside down chewing gum. My dad was trying to focus on the current football game and hushed me. I yelled, "No!" resulting in my gum becoming lodged in my windpipe. I shut up after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 291
You deserved it 52 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why were you singing during a game? YDI for being a disrespectful idiot.

Malevise 0


Arieah 17

You seem like you'd be not very fun to hang around... The type of person that gains amusement from pissing other people off. YDI kiddo.

Sing in your room.....? Children these days, I swear....

Your fault for being rude to your parents and yelling no

Astrobomb 21

Good. That's what you get for being disrespectful.

I'm sure your parents regretted not getting the abortion now...