By anonymous - 14/03/2012 05:18 - Canada

Today, I was sitting on the couch with my fiancé, when he jumped up and viciously sat on my face. I then heard, smelled, and tasted the most violent, horrific fart known to man. I still can't get the taste out of my mouth, and he can't stop laughing. I'm getting married to this guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 066
You deserved it 14 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinkcrayola 0

Best reason ever to dump the, pardon me please!, asshole!!!


He's only your fiance. It's not too late ya know.

Yeah if it was bad enough to post on FML, RUN.

That stinks. HA! First to use that shitty pun :o!

Boys will be boys....maybe go find him some nice guy mates to do this with instead of you.

HannahWho 8

I hate when people use the term "boys will be boys" as if whatever behavior shown is okay because of their gender. My brothers (I have about three) and my male cousins, would never do things like this. No boyfriend I have ever been with, or the men I met when i went to college, ever acted like this. What excuses this behavior just because he has genitals that stick out? Nothing. So, Micah's Mommy, don't make excuses based on the gender of people just because you might have a son who you could not control.

Lago_fml 3

First of all, you have -about- three brothers? Are you not sure? And if you do have multiple brothers and they have never done anything like this, then I am inclined to think you're just full of it. Chill out, don't try to insult the poster just because you disagree with them

115 - I question how much time you spend with your brothers. I don't condone the actions described in the FML but I was one of those annoying younger sisters who followed my brother and his mates everywhere. I can definitely see one of them pulling something like this.

MEM0817 18

Unless there's two rings on that finger, its not too late...

perdix 29

Invite DjeePee to your wedding and tell her you are registered at Crate & Gas Mask. On the other hand, you can always dump that loser. Being single is worse than being force-fed farts?

KiddNYC1O 20

The real problem is loving the asshole those farts came out from.