By c*nt - 13/04/2012 23:14 - Canada - London

Today, I was Skyping with this kid, when his girlfriend started arguing with him. They do this every other week, and there was a bet on when they'd finally break up. I egged the guy on and told him not to take her shit. She ended up dumping him. Now I feel like an asshole, and all for a lousy $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 216
You deserved it 47 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You sound bored. Maybe it's time you got yourself a life.


Sorry but doesn't anyone else find this whole thing a bit creepy? Who skypes with some kid, let alone makes bets on his relationship??? Ydi and more importantly need to get a life...

lizardninja 0

What a bitch OP even if they did argue how would you know if they didn't want to stay together inside

HiImJordan 5

I agree with your kid . SpiderMans ******* Awesome

A 'kid'? What about teenager? Or what age was he?

WTF??? You were "skypinf with some kid"???? This shit is too ******* weird and creepy. Go **** yourself.

What's with the aggressive behavior?

linkinpark98 23

Why is there even a "I agree, your life sucks" button? This is completely YDI. -_-

MEM0817 18

Clearly something so shitty like that doesn't become ethical unless its worth at least $100. You my friend, ****** up.

You're not that good of a person, are you...

ravenevercross 19

**** it they'd have broken up eventually anyway. You saved him some time. He should pay you $20 bucks too. You probably saved him a fortune by getting her out of his life.

#78 Or he saved her? It doesn't really say who was the problem. Maybe it was her, maybe it was him and maybe they were both. So let us not be ignorant and randomly select one to blame when we have no information.