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By Anonymous - 17/09/2011 08:17 - South Africa

Today, my girlfriend gave me a speech on me "not being manly enough". I started crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 364
You deserved it 51 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your girlfriend seems like a bitch. Tell her to go find a sweaty lumberjack, then go find a girl who actually respects you. >:T

LanaToTheTA 13


brokenhelix 4

Well apparently that's tough to do if, like OP's, your balls are so small that, if split, they could cause a nuclear explosion.

kickazz16 15
ikickgingers 15

Two ******* in that relationship. That is kind of hot.

Bbhd05 0

21- OP's gf took it away from him when he cried during sex.

Well that's certainly worthy of a "yeah, way to show 'em!"

theten_fml 9

She probably just started that so you could give her hard rough sex after.

kind of irrelevant to the thread, but fthislyfe, I read your profile and lost about 80% of my respect for you, mainly cause your bio is really unintentionally ironic and stupid. I mean, I'm an atheist myself, but at least I'm out of the stupid "angry atheist" phase. sheesh.

Alex94xela 0

OP must be Justin Bieber then. FHL for dating Justin Bieber

GrammaticalNazi, your sentence structure could use some work. I know you were trying exceptionally hard not to make any mistakes, but you still did.

HarveyMalone 0

That was posted in the wrong spot! It was meant to be a response to #33...

112 - it wasn't structured in the best possible way, but that joke was not meant to be used in the way I used it, so I had to improvise (even if it's a little confusing).

Fthislife: Take a hint from the negative votes you've got on all your comments....

146- Use the ******* messaging service to flirt with other users! And really??? Thumbing someone up for brownie points????

hotPinklipstick 24

OP grow a pair, she already has a pussy, she doesn't need another one.

isitinmybedroom 11

isnt there an FML almost exactly the same?

fthislyfe 22

No, he lives in California and is a very successful person. I don't regret it though. I didn't like his personality and his success and wealth can't change my opinion about him.

fthislyfe 22

Just calm down sweety. Take a deep breath and count to ten (Or something like that)

fthislyfe 22

I replied to another comment why is it here? sorry

phoenixslayer69 4

"I started crying." - Yeah OP I guess that proves her point. :P

Sounds like the old me. Good thing for growing up.

LanaToTheTA 13
theten_fml 9

Poor guy, If that were me I'd smack her with my purse!

There's a fine line between sensitive man and a ******* pussy. You sir have not only crossed that line but you flew over it

Sensitive is admitting your feelings Being a pussy is crying about ur feelings

Chaos187 6

But technically if that were you, then you would be a guy and not have a purse. Just saying...

Your girlfriend seems like a bitch. Tell her to go find a sweaty lumberjack, then go find a girl who actually respects you. >:T

fthislyfe 22

4: Do you really like a man who always cries? Maybe you do. But I don't

If she doesn't want a man who cries, she shouldn't date one who does. Would you like to date someone who's trying to change who you are? OP might be "unmanly" but he deserves someone who appreciates him just as she should be with someone she respects. Relationship over. FYL

"Would you like to date someone who's trying to change who you are?" Hmm, don't we all try to change some irritating parts of our partners? I love my boyfriend, but I also have gave him a speech about how it's not good to spend all your money on toys, trying to change him into someone who can handle financial situations in a more mature and responsible way. That doesn't mean I don't respect him, on the contrary. It's ofcourse a problem if you want to change every single part of your partner's character.

fthislyfe 22

wo wo wo wo wo! Hold your horses. First of all: I didn't say I don't like an emotional guy. There is a lot of difference between someone who cries sometimes and someone who cries ALL THE TIME! Second: It's OP's fault that instead of saying: "This is how I am, if you don't like it, then I'm not the guy for you", burst into tears.

this is kind of irrelevant to the thread, but fthislyfe, I read your profile and lost about 80% of my respect for you, mainly cause your bio is really unintentionally ironic and stupid. I mean, I'm an atheist myself, but at least I'm out of the retarded/intolerant/hypocritical "angry atheist" phase. grow up, sheesh.

fthislyfe 22

I think you're more like a religious person pretending to be an atheist. Stop judging people without knowing anything about them. I live in a country where religious people have made us so miserable. I don't live in a free country. If they find out I'm an atheist they would definitely kill me. No wonder why I'm complaining so much about religions. Anyway it's a personal idea and I by no means need your respect.

nope, I am atheist and I come from a country where that kind of horse shit you have on your profile is used against people like you and me. christ you can't even see your own hypocrisy can you? speaking of hypocrisy: "Stop judging people without knowing anything about them." what a joke you are, and so close to being exactly the kind of subhuman scum you're complaining about. just keep your bigotry to yourself. last time I checked, this was a secular site and trolling was frowned on

fthislyfe 22

Well I don't give the slightest crap. You are free to think whatever you want. It's not gonna change anything. Oh and please, be respectful. It's the least you can do to make yourself a better person :). good luck

fthislyfe 22

I didn't insult anyone. I insulted their thoughts. And don't tell me we shouldn't insult anyone's thoughts. Hitler had his thoughts too. And he's got many followers. Does that mean I should respect his thoughts? NO!

fthislyfe 22

Well I wanted to explain that you're wrong but then I read your profile and found out you're generally violent. Calm down.

fthislyfe 22

Just calm down sweety. Take a deep breath and count to ten (Or something like that) By the way I explained some things for you. Including I didn't insult people and I insulted their thoughts. But you don't seem to understand you're just so violent.

fthislyfe 22

Actually, where I live, it's night. And hey, this website allows you to thumb up your own comments. So why not? It could be like yahoo answers where you can't do it. So don't get all mad about it :) Good day :)

I think arguing about religion (or lack thereof) on the comments section of an FML about something completely unrelated to religion is batshit stupid. Oh, and fthislyfe, I didn't mean to thumb up your last comment. Disregard that. You're still an idiot.

My girlfriend gave me a speech about being too manly and I broke down in tears. Manly tears, which swept away large objects and drowned many passers-by.

Needless to say, nobody talks about my manliness anymore...out of fear of being swept away in a wet, salty death.

BellaBelle_fml 23

It's about time someone put you in your place fthislyfe.

k8izgr8_fml 0
HappyCynic 0

So what exactly were you guys fighting about?

well she changed her profile bio now, but it originally said "Looking forward to the day when religious people are diagnosed with a very dangerous mental illness and are taken to mental hospitals for that." now she changed it to "Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." cause you know, every time most people disagree with her, it MUST be cause they're stupid and persecuting her. rofl

Or maybe what she said in her bio didn't reflect her true views and when she was called out on it, decided it was best to change it. Just a consideration.

No. We just make assumptions! JUDGEMENT! JUDGEMENT! JUDGEMENT!

191 - yeah, totally, after defending the view and all that shit above, okay then

ikickgingers 15

Ignorance is why fthislyfe lost this fight. If it weren't for her bio, I might've been on her side.

KaySL owned that bitch.. bravo my friend. Bravo.

SpruceDread4578 13

Lol she's from Iran...pffft so are my parents but shit...USA USA USA ALL THE WAY!

zakkyzebra 11

No one ***** with KaySL and gets away with it... X.x

texas_redneck88 10

Fthislyfe is just a damn hajeet

HushHushKeeKat 0

KaySL comes off as an annoying cuntbag.

It seems as the girlfriend posted an FML. It goes something like this: "Today, I told my boyfriend to toughen up and be more manly. He started crying. FML." She must've felt bad obviously.

Why to show her how manly you really are lol.

qhostred 0

Are you sure you don't have a ******?

Alexunited1212 2
KaskStunter 4

I am afraid the FYL/YDI ratio, will make you cry some more.

buttercupp2137 0