By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 22:33 - United States - Washington Crossing

Today, I was standing in line at the checkout, and my children were arguing with each other. The guy in front of me sighed loudly and told me over his shoulder: "There're these things called condoms, you know." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 805
You deserved it 7 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask him if his parents know about them, rude prick.

I guess his parents didn't get the memo either


What a dick, when most likely at that moment all you needed was a sympathetic smile and commiserate on how ridiculous kids can be sometimes.

Well I was going to comment about his general douchebaggery but frankly many people here have already put so eloquently what an unmitigated cockbite that guy was there's really nothing more to say.

Even though he was being a jerk, somehow this fml brought a smile on my face...

I didn't know which one to vote, I just laughed so hard. Sorry he is rude though ??

Should have said ur the ass that should have been swallowed

Tell him they do work post birth. Hey, he had a bad day and now your kids are dancing on his last nerve. Just say sorry and ask the kids to cool it a bit. He is not the only one your kids are annoying.

Batmanic33 3

I don't think this guy knows how condoms work. They wouldn't be very effective at this point.

No, I'm pretty sure you could kill someone with a condom. Certainly not what the are generally used for, but definitely possible.