By asthmattack - 25/01/2013 06:30 - Australia - Mona Vale

Today, I was suffering from an asthma attack, so I grabbed my inhaler and took a puff. This was probably very disturbing for the earwig which had somehow made my puffer its home, as I discovered when it shot into my mouth. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 316
You deserved it 2 815

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazytwinsmom 25

I don't actually know what an earwig is. I keep imagining a tiny mustache/toupee that lives in one's ear. I won't google it because I like thinking that. Don't judge me.


RedPillSucks 31

How long had your inhaler been sitting around that bugs had a chance to take up residence?

That's what I was wondering and why wasn't it covered?

Earwigs can squeeze into ridiculously tiny places - it probably got in the inhaler through the gaps in the top (where the medication goes in - usually it's a cylinder in a rectangular hole, so there's plenty of space that way). And if it's a rescue inhaler? You don't necessarily have to use it that often, if it's been sitting in a drawer in the bathroom, could have easily got in there. We always end up with a pile of earwigs in our mailbox, which is really confusing, because it seals shut with weather stripping and has no holes. You kick them out and they'll be back in a few hours whether there's mail or not. Creepy little bastards.

WolfAtTheDoor 7 was your asthma after that?

Aregonde 15

Oooooh. That's happened to me before, except the earwig had been camping in the spout of my water bottle. *Shiver*

Shadow_Phantom 26

*cringes and curls into a ball* NOPE.

nonnieluv 9

I am also unsure of what an earwig is. But since fml is such a learning community I learned that its gross when shot in your mouth

Aregonde 15

They're those longish bugs with pincers on their tails.

Fat, beefy-looking clumsy, shiny bugs with horns on their butts. I HATE THEM!!!!

BlueFlatts 20

How is someone supposed to answer that without trying it themselves? And covered in chocolate doesn't count. Although I can't get rid of this feeling that it tastes like a earwax Berttie Bott's every flavor bean. But we know one thing for sure, it doesn't taste like an ice cube.

sarah17xx_fml 10

Oh, it's better than Bertie's every flavored bean. It comes with the extra crunch! ;)

I don't think I would ever be able to eat ever again if that we're to happen to me...

Damn I'm terrified of those things and to have on in your mouth! I feel terrible for you.

perdix 29

Your comment reminded me of this freakish insect I saw on animal planet that latches onto you tongue, eats it, then replaces it in your mouth. Thanks for that. X(

perdix 29

#29, my sincere apologies. To ease your mind, try to resist the urge to look up Alabama Hot Pocket in the Urban Dictionary. That image'll **** you up!

Only if you can resist the urge to look up Special Fried Rice. The challenge begins!

perdix 29

#39, oh, I've been resisting one that for a while ever since I fell prey to the Blue Waffle and the Lemon Party. I had a close call with "Two Girls, One Cup" since the first site I went to was a written description of the action and not the video itself. Now, I can accept being a Know-A-Lot instead of a Know-It-All ;)

Octopus girl and tubgirl are good ones, goatse too, meatspin is a classic. All good gifs.

MITM, you're thinking of Cymothoa exigua. I, too, saw that episode and was thoroughly repulsed. They actually only attach themselves to fish, though, so we're safe for now.

Perdix and MITM, you may also want to refrain from looking up red pancake. *shudders*