By jshi8 - 04/08/2011 14:35 - United States

Today, I was taking a dump behind a dumpster. I suddenly heard a noise and a vibration against the dumpster. It was a garbage truck lifting it to collect the trash. The garbage men started laughing and took out their phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 850
You deserved it 79 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emmiep1011 7

what are you doing taking a dump behind a dumpster? Were you born in a barn?


bugmenotmofo 34

Are you Peter Griffin? Because I heard he pooped on the poop deck.

piano4life 0

What the hell are you ******** behind a dumpster for?

dollFehn 6

who the hell takes a dump behind a dumpster

hateevryone 14

hahahaha. That is funny, but also disgusting. Is there a reason you avoided the bathroom?

It's your own fault for taking a dump behind a dumpster. This is kinda funny though!

Just reading this Im gonna look for a vid on failblog

Why in the HELL were you doing that!!???!!!!???!!!

StromyG2 10

Are you homeless? And more importantly, did you have tissue?

jeffinfer_43 1