By jshi8 - 04/08/2011 14:35 - United States

Today, I was taking a dump behind a dumpster. I suddenly heard a noise and a vibration against the dumpster. It was a garbage truck lifting it to collect the trash. The garbage men started laughing and took out their phones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 850
You deserved it 79 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

emmiep1011 7

what are you doing taking a dump behind a dumpster? Were you born in a barn?


floatguy 2

Honestly.... Behind a dumpster??? Try a bathroom next time!!!

oh, and you live in the same state as me...thats nice...

Omg!!!!!! Who the **** does that??????

That is really sad. do you have a house

Wha..why...You were... Thats youre own stupid fault..

That's just wrong, and why even shit behind a dumpster?

maybe go in the dumpster, as you are human garbage.

The original poster started with 'I was taking a dump behind a dumpster' like it's the most natural thing in the world. I wonder if this isn't his first time. YDI for being a dick. Someone has to clean it up.