By scaredshitless - 07/08/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was taking a serious shit when the light bulb burned out. I am terrified of the dark and began wailing and crying. My mom had to pick the lock and get me out. I'm a 17 year old guy and captain of the Varsity football team. My little brother recorded it and plans on showing everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 369
You deserved it 65 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is pretty good blackmail material. Better be nice to your bro.

lolzRaptor 1

If it was a very serious shit, you would have not taken your mind off of such a serious excrement, therefore there would be no crying and no FML, so it obviously wasn't a serious shit, just a normal one.


luvluv_fml 0

you deserve to be sent to afghanistan

wilson12 0

aww you poor thing. did your mom give you a bottle to calm you down

omgid why r people being so mean to the ob! i feel bad for him that his brother recorded it and stuff but being scarred of the dark is normal.

I hope this is fake because otherwise you're a pussy. WTF! Why do people post this crap and expect any sympathy. Man up boy and grow a pair! YDI if your baby-bro does show it to everyone for being such a douche.

mehwhateverr 0

How about finish your shit and then go over to the door and open it. Then wash your hands.

BloodyRainbows 0

Wow, this site attracts an amazing number of assholes. Do you all just enjoy insulting others, or does it make you feel better about your own fears?

conan6 0

You're a big skipping rope. With pink handles.

Kiwi_Splash 0

How on Earth does he deserve having a phobia and reacting seriously towards it? Alot of you people are disgusting human-beings with no sense of understanding and respect. I feel revolted and annoyed by the fact that I live in such an ignorant world. ******* assholes.

Thank you! You're probably the nicest person ever to go on FML. I don't think I'm that nice.

Kiwi_Splash 0

Lol, thanks! I wouldn't say nicest, but I know when to be realistic, mean, sarcastic etc... There are some things that don't really need a little more than just a brain to understand, you know?