By scaredshitless - 07/08/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was taking a serious shit when the light bulb burned out. I am terrified of the dark and began wailing and crying. My mom had to pick the lock and get me out. I'm a 17 year old guy and captain of the Varsity football team. My little brother recorded it and plans on showing everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 369
You deserved it 65 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is pretty good blackmail material. Better be nice to your bro.

lolzRaptor 1

If it was a very serious shit, you would have not taken your mind off of such a serious excrement, therefore there would be no crying and no FML, so it obviously wasn't a serious shit, just a normal one.


CynicComedian 2

Dude, I understand phobias...but get some counseling or something! That's not normal.

FYL for being terrified of the dark at 17. You really need to work on that.

FYL for being afraid of the dark and 17 years old. yeah you might want to check in with someone and get that fixed. but if the light went out instead of balling your eyes out, why the hell didn't you just yell for help? and does your bathroom not have a window in it? Because if it wasn't even night time chances are the window would provide light for you to see.

People who clicked YDI are assholes. Phobias aren't fun.

Aero_x 21

I agree! And it Isn't like this situation is impossible. I am not afraid of the dark, but I have been caught on the toilet when the lights burnt out. It does feel super creepy because of the invulnerability!

hahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha i doubt this is true but i enjoyed it

Maybe not but he should be old enough for that phobia. I hope closing his eyes is not too scary for him.

That was kinda on Phil of the Future! Cooool! except you know, the shiting part.

WOW you are the biggest pussy i have ever heard. you're 17 and you scream in the dark?

HAHAHA I can't wait until that vid posts on Youtube and goes viral!!!

Time to man up. Scared of the dark at 17? Honestly.

Wow I feel sorry for you.. Captain of the football team? I wanna see what kind of punishments your little brother has in store for you.