By scaredshitless - 07/08/2009 04:11 - United States

Today, I was taking a serious shit when the light bulb burned out. I am terrified of the dark and began wailing and crying. My mom had to pick the lock and get me out. I'm a 17 year old guy and captain of the Varsity football team. My little brother recorded it and plans on showing everyone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 369
You deserved it 65 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is pretty good blackmail material. Better be nice to your bro.

lolzRaptor 1

If it was a very serious shit, you would have not taken your mind off of such a serious excrement, therefore there would be no crying and no FML, so it obviously wasn't a serious shit, just a normal one.


miss_mojo 2

lmfao. you need to grow some balls.

your ******* stupid. I have never lost a fight i can bench the most in my gym calss (165lbs im in gr 9) and i a phobia to the dark. Their is nothing he should be ashamed of, but then there are thoose ******* idiots and says "grow some balls." Like are you ******* stupid? Why don't you go against your biggest fear you little bitch. and BTW ur little brother must be a prick.

greatnt249 0

You're not impressing anybody, #119.

fxdxhk90 0

Even if you are on the football team, the smart money says that the members of the chess club could kick your ass. You are a massive wimp, well done sir.

Couldn't you quickly open the door before getting too scared...? It's kinda ridiculous.

manoverboard 0

Don't worry. I'm completely afraid of the dark too. But I'm a girl,'s slightly more normal. :]

flyingpoo 0

I get freaked out by the dark too. If I happen to be in a well light place and suddenly the lights goes out I'll just put my fist up to give me a bit of rage but damn Mr Ping Ping could probably kick your ass. PS: your mother is missing a few skirts

How is being afraid his own fault? Everyone is afraid of something. This is nott a YDI!!

Looks like the OP has some deeper rooted issues than just the dark. Do you have a father figure in your life?

FlippyFloppies 0

That made me lol . but the chances of that really happening , are pretty slim .

I thought it said 'walking and crying.' I was like o_o

Night22_fml 4

Your bro's a dick. You're a pussy.