By guy - 30/07/2012 03:24 - United States - Avon Lake

Today, I was taking a walk when I noticed an elderly man on the ground, unmoving. Being a registered nurse, I tried to give him CPR. As my lips touched his, he hacked a loogie and spat it into the back of my throat. I swallowed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 160
You deserved it 5 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifoundalaska 11

That is definitely one of the most grotesque things I have ever heard in my nineteen years of living.

You should have at least tried waking him up or checking his pulse first..


sandinthewaves 5

That's why the first thing you do when you come up to a casualty is check to see if they are responsive.

m1989_fml 10

This seriously made me gag and almost throw up, and I have a pretty strong stomach.

If you were a good RN you'd know to follow your safety guidelines and not to put your unprotected mouth on a stranger. Have fun with AIDS genius.

This is fake but if it's real then you totally deserve it. A registered nurse would 1. Know better than to do mouth to mouth. 2. He/she would have checked for a pulse first. 3. He/she would have also tried everything including a painful stimulus to wake up this person before beginning CPR.

This is why you check their airway first. And use a breathing device.

Just FYI- new CPR protocol for BLS and ACLS suggests against mouth to mouth to protect the provider. Next time stick to compressions!!

No nurse would begin CPR on a random person without a proper barrier!

You are s dumb ass. The first thing you learn in CPR, never just perform it on anyone lying on the street! Shake them and ask they're ok. You need a refresher course. STAT!

OMG YOUR AN IDIOT you tried to give him CPR without checking for a pulse or even if he was really unconcious and your a nurse ? wtf !!

Anyone who paid attention during CPR training knows that you first check for signs of life, ie a pulse and breathing. They also now have changed the standards to exclude the mouth to mouth component. A competent nurse wouldn't just start pounding on someone's chest or breathing for them without assessing.