By guy - 30/07/2012 03:24 - United States - Avon Lake

Today, I was taking a walk when I noticed an elderly man on the ground, unmoving. Being a registered nurse, I tried to give him CPR. As my lips touched his, he hacked a loogie and spat it into the back of my throat. I swallowed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 160
You deserved it 5 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ifoundalaska 11

That is definitely one of the most grotesque things I have ever heard in my nineteen years of living.

You should have at least tried waking him up or checking his pulse first..


PandaSpots 10
jsolis1982 6

Well, it's just how the saying goes: no good deed goes unpunished. But yeah, fyl op.

that is soo friggin disgusting i couldnt even laugh at it. i actually almost threw up my lunch!

As a RN you would know about the dangers of performing CPR w/o protection. It could have been prevented :/

Oh my god. Ewwww! There is so much wrong with that, what if he had herpes!?!? *barf*

Haaaaa you are another kind of stupid! Minus 100 points for nursing.

if only you checked his airway, breathing, and circulation (as trained) before administering CPR

alphaskater09 9

Please don't thumb me down if I'm wrong but aren't you allowed to do chest compressions? My dads a registered nurse as well and he told me never to do mouth to mouth.

There's a reason why CPR was changed to no breaths.