By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, I was taking the subway to work when I saw a really hot girl. Noticing that she, like me, had a Dunkin' Donuts coffee, I tried to start a conversation by saying, "Is that Double Ds you have there?" She didn't pick up that I was talking about the coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 893
You deserved it 97 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** who says double D's for dunkin donuts you douche you deserve it


wh0regasm 0

hahahahaha and lol @ #98 i wonder what happened next

Hahaha, nice one. It's ok, my (immigrant) grandfather calles Krispy Kreme "KK" but one time he got confused and spent a whole 10 minutes talking about the "KKK donuts." We were all a little confused.

jorygirly 0

you're a fachist communist. Oh and shape kills dumbledore meaning it's obvious ur not good with girls. That's ur future. Dumbass

jorygirly 0

you're a fachist communist. Oh and shape kills dumbledore meaning it's obvious ur not good with girls. That's ur future. Dumbass

Raine_Sage 0

#90: I disagree, because it's like clefting except with a "that", and the singular verb agreement comes from a dummy pronoun. It was a cup of coffee that she was holding. It was her breasts that he noticed. &c.

#93, shut up, you're not funny. I think the FML where the guy thought his co-worker was telling him to send her a certain picture when she said "Your nuts!", when she really meant "You're nuts!" is quite enough proof to show you that grammar is important. Also, where do you go to school that your teachers actually teach you grammar in school? The only teaching I ever got in English class was about finding symbolism and crap like that. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation weren't created so they could be totally ignored, and they weren't created with no purpose. Anyways, I've never heard Dunkin' Donuts called that...I hope that, once she got angry/walked away/didn't respond/etc., you tried to clarify at least. If you didn't, you definitely deserve it.

Kyothine 0

What did you expect? "Oh yes! I do love Dunkin Donuts coffee, let's have sex!"

MukyDaCookie 0

#60 go ******* die and please never quote NWA again.