By Anonymous - 29/04/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, I was taking the subway to work when I saw a really hot girl. Noticing that she, like me, had a Dunkin' Donuts coffee, I tried to start a conversation by saying, "Is that Double Ds you have there?" She didn't pick up that I was talking about the coffee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 893
You deserved it 97 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what the **** who says double D's for dunkin donuts you douche you deserve it


that_guy321 2

really? that was the best line you could come up with? YDI for being lame.

SMOOTH HAHA. Yeah you need to work on that...Could just be me but I don't think pointing out that she had a dunkin donuts coffee would really go over well in any context, maybe try complimenting on her tastes in coffee or something instead of stating the obvious? idk But if you're gonna go that route then atleast dont say "double d's"..haha say "dunkins" i think thats what most ppl would call it.

Demonchild 0

Shut The F Up Panzy. In your ass there is a Dick Decipher this and you win.... your mom back. (You gotta pay for shippin and handeling.) (I was hard to find a word for) D.C. 4 Life

heatherfeather 4

i know you were probably thinking it would be smooth to use a "Double D" for Dunkin Donuts, but honestly, who the hell has ever used that? Just be like "Hey, I have dunkin donuts too" and hold up ur coffee.

screwed137 0

i agree with heatherfeather... i think you did it intentionally...

does ANYONE call it that? other than their mini logo? which isn't to be read outloud... for future ref, just hold up your cup and point to it, smiling and raising your eyebrows and then give her a thumbs up. much cuter

hahahahhaha oh man!!! well, shit happens :P

#14, don't worry, 61 clearly doesn't see the beauty in a comment like that whether you're serious or not that just made my day a bit better

ZiggyMorrison 0

Thats not even a remotely good opener to begin with try learning the mystery method ittl teach you how to open without sounding stupid