By pussy - 04/05/2009 14:46 - Italy

Today, I was talking to my boss about her children. She told me she didn’t want them to develop any problems by letting them sleep with the light on. I didn’t tell her last night I slept with the light on because I’m scared of ghosts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 340
You deserved it 44 858

Same thing different taste

Top comments

panda_rectum 0

Don't worry, Capser is the friendly ghost!


Kitty34_fml 0

How is this an FML? I'm 20 and I like to have some light in my room when I fall asleep. It's not an FML because, like you said, you DIDN'T tell your boss. So who cares?

Ah, so you have an immature habit.... This really would have been an FML if you HAD told your boss you slept with the lights on.

LAME, why was this even posted???

Gabby125 0

I'm 18 and still have a legitimate fear of velocirapters.

haha #120. this isn't very fmlish. i think they're starting to sacrifice quality for originality. some things are uncommon for a reason.

Depending on the house i live in i am very much afraid of the dark / ghosts, not so much in apt buildings just houses. I need to sleep with noise like a tv or radio. The person who lived here before my roomate and i died in my roomates bedroom or kitchen area not to sure, so I only feel safe when i have male company sleepovers. Also come to find out my street is full of junkies so i that really scares the crap out of me.

You probably should lay off the scary movies for a while.

I'm not scared of ghosts or anything like that but it's okay that you are. I do sleep with little white Christmas lights on in my room.. it's nice.