By Anonymous - 02/06/2012 16:46 - Ireland - Bagenalstown

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone, when I accidentally let rip a monstrous fart. He swore at me for being a pig, hung up, and has ignored all my subsequent calls. I try not to date idiots, but it's like I have a big old shithead-attracting magnet attached to me or something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 139
You deserved it 14 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the fart fmls are always the funniest

Wow, like he never farts. What an ass. You deserve better, OP!


If he'd reallly love you he'd let IT go

I find guys so odd... They let one rip in our presence and holler about how loud and wicked it was. We do the same, and we're "Gross'? What, we can't be proud of our loud ones? Double Standards.

Don't group us all in one judgement.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

lol I don't say its gross, it's a natural thing that no one can help :3

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She said it was an accident. Clearly she wasn't fating like crazy just to be gross and annoy him. Girls should have to be "ladies" and pass gas in the bathroom when boys learn to be "gentlemen" and do the same.

26- Are you telling me you go to the bathroom to fart every time? I'm not going to lie, I sure as heck don't. If I'm in the comfort of my own house I pass gas where I like. But also, I'm not going around and tooting in public, but if I was on the phone with someone and accidentally let one go I'd probably more laugh and poke fun at myself and apologize than be utterly embarrassed, *especially* if I was on the phone with a significant other. Everyone farts. If my partner would fart I wouldn't be offended and I hope they wouldn't be either. Sometimes you can't control it and it happens. TOOT TOOT. (:

Act like a genius and spell "pass" right. Oh, and it's "pass gas" and "break wind." English much?

He sounds like he's probably pretty sexist. Just cause you're a girl doesn't make you not human, we have to fart. It doesn't sound like a very loving or serious relationship. It might sound drastic but you should go ahead and dump him because it's just a hint of things to come.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

well if he gets this angry over a simple passing of gas over a phone then just think about other situations, I would leave him before anything else happens.

unknown_user5566 26

You obviously broke the Lady Law here. It's women like you who ruin the conspiracy that women don't fart, burp, or poop. Haven't you read the book "Everyone Poops- Except Women"? Shame on you.

Lol! It's hilarious how many guys actually believe in that "conspiracy"

31- I had a guy friend that actually believed that girls didn't poop for years. It was hilarious!

Of course you have a magnet, it's called a ******.

At least he didn't break your nose.

baddawg365 0

Or the parrot in the bird cage because she was high as heck.

Cassandrax731 5

Of that were me, as soon as he called me out for farting, I would have said "Girls don't fart, we 'toot'" just to mess with him