By me - 04/08/2012 19:14 - Canada - Debert

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to ride a bike with no training wheels. After comforting her and assuring her that she'd be fine, I gave her a big push. She fell forward over the handlebars and scraped her chin on the front wheel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 196
You deserved it 26 881

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think she's gona let you teach her again

Mikeskinner 7

Dear god, don't worry OP! It was an accident and you both learned from it, don't worry! I'm sure you haven't scarred her! (:


ahippienamedrae 10

What kid in this generation even rides a bike anymore?

KiddNYC1O 20

In some countries/places bikes are a major form of transportation.

ahippienamedrae 10

I'm fourteen, I ride a bike, my friends ride bikes, every person I know rides a bike! So STFU -.-

Are you seriously posing as Eleanor on FML? wow.. -.-

Haha congratulations on almost killing ur daughter

Yeah, whenever I would scrape my knees my mom would call an ambulance because she was afraid I'd die. Right -__-

Papiamilli 1
KiwiiLemon 5

i don't thing she will be willing to learn to bike for a while now

That must have been some big push! Lol My dad taught me by standing next to me and running along side. I was shocked when he let go without me knowing it. I fell 'cause I freaked out! But remembered I got back on! OP, I hope your daughter gets the courage to get right back on too. Maybe her older friends that also ride bike might help encourage her.(:

Wow way to be pushy! You hold on and run with her then slowly let her gland she'll drift!

Slowly let her gland? I think Bieber has successfully stolen your brain.

Sorry autocorrect I meant "go and" not "gland!" And actually I have a brain! I tied for first in the nationals for academic games for 2 years in a row! Not every JB fan is a bonehead!

hahahaha academic games. real genius over here...

Ok you go to nationals and try to beat hundreds of other kids every year. It's really hard and anyone who's ever done it will agree. You memorize hundreds/thousands of facts and have to recall them in front of judges in less than 15 seconds, or the other person will beat you.

Aw good job there. Kids don't forget things like that. When you get old and are in a wheel chair in a nice elderly home, and she comes to pay you a visit and you two go on a wonderful stroll together, don't let her roll you up a hill.. She might just get revenge.