By me - 04/08/2012 19:14 - Canada - Debert

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to ride a bike with no training wheels. After comforting her and assuring her that she'd be fine, I gave her a big push. She fell forward over the handlebars and scraped her chin on the front wheel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 196
You deserved it 26 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think she's gona let you teach her again

Mikeskinner 7

Dear god, don't worry OP! It was an accident and you both learned from it, don't worry! I'm sure you haven't scarred her! (:


nela25 23

Ouch poor kid, at least she didn't break her nose or anything. Just give it some time OP she'll learn pretty quick.

it's ok, every parent messes up sometimes! shell be fine and you both learned from it! though not really a FML...

Boo hoo. Kids are meant to get cuts and bruises. Yeah op you effed up. Next time guide her. Your still an awesome parent for being there and trying. "Why do we fall? To learn how to pick ourselves up." dark knight quote.

fitzy219 1

exactly man! you can't constanstly mollycoddle kids, they won't learn that way

Trisha_aus 15

And...RISE! That quote, a long with other epic ones + the end monologue = chills!

Your not supposed to push, you should hold onto the back of the bike, walk with her a bit, then let go! :)

perdix 29

Shit like that doesn't happen to kids that stay on the couch and play video games all day. Think about it ;)

citymayer 7

Bc they get too fat to ride a bike?

TallMist 32

#49 I play video games all day and I'm not fat. Probably cause I play my fair share of kinect/wii games.... But still.

krmc822 6

I'm so sorry. It's just best that you comfort her now

Someone reading your comment would think that there was a funeral.

You're supposed to push the bike, not her OP! Oh well, gotta learn right?

I just learned an invaluable lesson here: Never teach my kids anything! Thanks, FML!

It's true, you DO learn something new everyday!

I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like.

TallMist 32

#36 I read that in Anakin's voice. XD "This time we will do it together." "I was about to say that."