By me - 04/08/2012 19:14 - Canada - Debert

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to ride a bike with no training wheels. After comforting her and assuring her that she'd be fine, I gave her a big push. She fell forward over the handlebars and scraped her chin on the front wheel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 196
You deserved it 26 880

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't think she's gona let you teach her again

Mikeskinner 7

Dear god, don't worry OP! It was an accident and you both learned from it, don't worry! I'm sure you haven't scarred her! (:


Nanael_fml 4

You're suppose to run along side her dumbie

He's tying to teach her how to ride.........accidents happen............

Lol this has happened to me as a kid!

Lahawalala 3

YDI only because everybody knows when teaching your child to ride a bike you don't scar them physically, you scar them emotionally/mentally by lying to them saying you won't let go and then let go.

well that's not a good start...I think she'll ask for the training wheels again...

The best way to make a child fear bicycles for the rest of her life.

Ahh. We've all done that one way or another to our children. They get over it.

WOW perhaps you should hand the teaching reins over to someone else; actually anyone else, even the hobo down the road, must have been a bloody big push to make her GI over the handlebars!!!!! Poor child!!!