By Anonymous - 17/02/2014 02:29 - United States - Hedgesville

Today, I was throwing rocks into a pond while our class was on a field trip. The teacher started to pass around an old rare civil war bullet. As the bullet got to me, I threw another rock in the river, only to notice a rock in my hand and the bullet gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 530
You deserved it 62 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It'd probably be best if you jumped in after it.


Is there a "you're an idiot" button on this site somewhere?

No one probably saw him do it... Hopefully.

If you're old enough to be on this website then you should be old enough to not be such a dumbass

jazzy_123 20

I was just wondering how old OP is... sounds like a little kid to me.

jazzy_123 20

107, I was thinking more of a high school student...

doglover100 28

Hope you didn't get into too much trouble!

TallMist 32

Don't know abou you, but I'd certainly hope that a dumbass stupid enough to throw away a rare historical item WOULD get in a lot of trouble.

why did'nt you pay attention if someone is telling the history off you're country!? this brave men and women fought with there lives to give the next generation a better life! so treat the history with respect. YDI!

I see that English is your second language. "Why *didn't you pay attention when someone is telling the history *of *your country? *These brave men and women fought with *their lives to give the next generation a better life!" "didn't" is "did not" without the "o" so the apostrophe goes where the "o" would be. "of" is pronounced "uv." "Off" is pronounced with the "f" sound and has a different meaning, as in "The cat jumped off the table" or "He turned off the stove" as opposed to "Someone is telling you the history of your country." "Your" is possessive, as in "He broke your clock." "You're" is the same as "you are" as in "You're a brave man" or "You're going to jail." "These" is plural, as in "These brave men." "This" is singular, as in "This brave man." "Their" is possessive, as in "They fought with their lives." "There" indicates a location, as in "Look over there." "They're" is the same as "they are" as in "They're brave men" or "They're fighting for their country." I hope I didn't come off as a snot, but when I saw that you're from the Netherlands I thought I should say something before some dick said something mean to you. People on this site tend to be really rude to people who make grammatical errors for some reason. I also thought it might be helpful if I explained the rules of English grammar for your future use. And good on you for learning a second language. I took French in high school and college but it never stuck.

an entire screen worth of nitpicking. No, thats not coming off as rude or anything.

Well that was stupid. Pay attention so stuff like that doesn't happen.