By Anonymous - 17/02/2014 02:29 - United States - Hedgesville

Today, I was throwing rocks into a pond while our class was on a field trip. The teacher started to pass around an old rare civil war bullet. As the bullet got to me, I threw another rock in the river, only to notice a rock in my hand and the bullet gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 530
You deserved it 62 945

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It'd probably be best if you jumped in after it.


NodakN8V 25

You are a special kind of stupid

You go jump in and get it. My have give kidney.

Wow OP! For being an eight year old boy, your grammar is amazing. I assume you are an eight year old boy, because you do not have enough self discipline to stop throwing rocks for two seconds to look at a bullet and pass it on.

catella_fml 12

It is on the moon? I don't understand.

robertmil90 10

Sorry to hear that, but you probably should have stopped throwing the rocks when the bullet got to you sorry op, but ydi

Maybe you should have been paying attention instead of throwing rocks in the pond, especially when your teacher was passing a rare artifact around. YDI all the way.

I don't know why but this FML really annoys me. You couldn't stop throwing your stupid rocks long enough to pay attention?

threer 30

Agreed. It pisses me off. And so does the inconsistency! He calls it a pond, then a river. Which the **** is it so I can know exactly how ****** you are?!

You definitely live up to your bio, 75.

I hoe you at least paid back the amount the artefact was worth. These things have incredible value. Paying for it would teach you a life lesson detention never could.

devans00 14

What an idiot. I hope they made you pay. Because of you, future classes probably can't touch history anymore.

pretend the rock was the bullet and blame it on the other guy