By anonymous - 24/09/2016 13:10 - United States - Federal Way

Today, I was told I needed to start carrying bandaids with me at work because practically every day I hurt myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 168
You deserved it 2 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How does one manage to hurt themselves everyday, what is your job?


Carry a 4 person medkit on you, that's what I do.

theamazingd 17

Back when I was a barista, my work husband would come in every day and preemptively ask me what injury I had on that particular day. Since it was hardly ever anything more than a mild burn or scratch, he thought it was the funniest thing. Good luck with less injuries, OP!

As opposed to telling you to be more careful.

Don't feel to bad about it op, I'm accident prone as well, I'm not allowed to cook without someone over my shoulder, but I do play football and somehow I manage, it's just something you have to get used to.

Tattooed_momster 14

Sadly I have multiple first aid kits in my cars and home for that very reason, if it's not me it's either my husband or toddler.