By Ribbed for Her Disaster - 04/04/2013 16:04 - United Kingdom - Orpington

Today, I was trying out my first vibrator. Soon enough, my 12-year-old sister opened my door, walked in, and saw me naked from the waist down. She laughed, called me a virgin, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 447
You deserved it 19 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Virgins nowadays are like unicorns. There are none.

I'm pretty sure that's why locks were invented.


Even if your door doesn't have a lock on it, you could've waited til nobody was in the house O.o

Trying out a vibrator while kids are in the house without locking the door is a bad idea.

I disagree. With that logic, you might as well say it's a bad idea to change clothes when kids are in the house, too. Just teach them to knock.

Jacksparrow72 21

When will people learn to lock their doors?

Not everyone's lucky enough to have a lock on their bedroom door; no need to be so judgmental. A better question would be "When will people learn to knock?"

having trouble figuring out the relation between a vibrator and a virgin...

Is this the same 12-year-old affraid to be preggo from her "imaginary" boyfriend?

I think that is called fapping and flapping, #66