By Ribbed for Her Disaster - 04/04/2013 16:04 - United Kingdom - Orpington

Today, I was trying out my first vibrator. Soon enough, my 12-year-old sister opened my door, walked in, and saw me naked from the waist down. She laughed, called me a virgin, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 447
You deserved it 19 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Virgins nowadays are like unicorns. There are none.

I'm pretty sure that's why locks were invented.


Either lock the door or place something heavy in front of it next time you decide to **********, silly girl.

Wizzlbang 10

Not everyone has locks, guys. Shouldn't be an excuse, though. My door has no lock an I've NEVER been caught. and I do it with people in the house all the time. And no on knocks. You gotta leave yourself room to abort mission in the blink of an eye when you do that.

Nativeangel412 2
gameover18 17

Virgins are more like dinosaurs than unicorns. They did exist, everyone wants one, but only the small ugly ones made it.

upallnight11 19

Who says all virgins are ugly? That's just stupid and judgmental!

monnanon 13

i think what the above was trying to imply is that many peoples continuing virgin status is not there by choice.

Well your first vibrator and your first interruption. Congrats, now learn how to use the new invention 'a lock'

everton99 16

I'm on a bus I'm on a bus and I ain't ******* leaving til I cum!

onorexveritas 23

what's up with people not knocking and not locking doors?

Vidimus 13

You didn't think to lock your door? Especially while, I assume, anxious about using it for the first time? YDI, OP.

Who cares!?! Enjoy yourself with your vibe and move on. YDI for not looking your door or covering up under a blanket.

rabidpeach 5

maybe she just saw blood and was being observant and not slutty.

Somebody slept through his sex ed class...*headdesk*