By Teeny - 09/03/2010 21:13 - United States

Today, I was using my fiancé's phone to look up movie times for us. In the internet browser, I found history of him looking on Craigslist for "discreet intimate relationships with women" in our city. We are expecting our little boy in two months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 082
You deserved it 3 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should confront him by answering the ad, or you could chop his dick off while he sleeps. Either one would be pretty funny.


seriously... this is not a bloody therapist like christ "omg my fiance is cheating im gonna go blog about it"... your an idiot **** my life is when you smash your head off the bottom of a picnic table when you wake up in the middle of the night from being passed out **** my life is falling down a flight of stairs at work in front of all your colleages... how bout instead of blogging you ******* do something about it

Wow that sucks. ={ something's fishy. well, now don't over react just have a decent talk with him and ask him what he's not satisfied with. The best way to handle situations like this is to never jump to conclusions. Just have a talk with him. there's always a reason to everything. Good Luck to you both.

my ex-bf told me he loved me, and when i used his laptop to look up something, i found that he ad himself on craigslist, 10 mins ago... and we broke up, so should u too, because that sucks

Just remind the guys looking for women on Craigslist: You get what you pay for

are you sure? idk get an abortion just in case

murphman3000 0

least he wasn't looking up sex with little boys

hey dont worry he cant even spell discreet so hows he meant to be discreet:L

peachee_26 0

Cheating is disgusting, you should break up with him. Then again, preggos are disgusting too, so I can understand him wanting to be with a non-preggo while you're at your heftiest.