By adad - 01/02/2010 14:34 - France

Today, I was walking by a pond when I saw a small frog. I decided to catch it to get a close look. After I picked it up, I realized that it was not a frog. It was dog shit shaped like a frog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 817
You deserved it 38 050

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Reshape it to look like Jesus and leave for someone else to find.

DogmaT_fml 4

good thing you didnt try to kiss it.


MJFG100 0

I was going to say something nice, but no FYL you picked up a frog. That's nasty. I hope you washed your hands afterward.

I like how you had to "catch it" as if the shit was going to hop away. I picture the OP running up and jumping on it before it could take off. Epic. lol. Poor OP, I feel bad for you. Did you feel bad when it first squished in your hand cause you thought you killed the frog?

Jake1595 0

your fault for wanting to pick up a frog wierdo

screwball111 0

jake u r funneh whoop whoop! ~yur welcome!

My mom bragged about her shit once. apparently it was shaped like a humming bird...

U really probably put into ur pocket and took it to hemert mom to ****

bahahaha simmilar thing happened to me once. I threw a dog shit at my best friend thinking it was a conker! he wasn't impressed!

I heard if you kiss it'll turn into a frog xD

lmao!! u just made my day! :) but yeaa that sucks.