By Anonymous - 25/10/2009 16:09 - United States

Today, I was walking down the hall from the livingroom. I overheard my mom telling someone how proud she was of her baby girl and how much she loved her. I thought she was referring to my first ever all "A" report card. Turns out my new kitten used its litter box correctly for the first time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 070
You deserved it 3 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

So learn to use the litter box and maybe she will love you too.

perdix 29

But when you're 19 and in the 4th grade, it's not very impressive.


Andd your life is ****** because she's proud of the cat? It doesn't mean she isn't proud of you too. gtf over it

YDI for not getting straight A's already. You're the reason why Kentucky's education system sucks.

Why does that mean she wouldn't be proud of you? She was just having a conversation about her cat. Then such a line is not uncommon. That she didn't mention you in this context doesn't mean she is not proud of you too. I'm sure she is.

yepyep123 0

Yeah, I am 16 and a Junior in high school, not 19 and in the 4th grade. I am also dyslexic. So, she did have something to be proud of and she never even said good job or anything. The Kentucky school system does not suck, they have helped me and worked with me a lot. So, thanks. =)

perdix 29

Hey, that's great that you've overcome a learning disability to achieve such good grades. Let's all have a nice group hug. But, this is FMyLife. You post your stories of humiliation here only to have the rest of us heap more scorn and derision at you or the bastards who humiliated you. If you are sensitive, you may not want to read the comments, or take them seriously.

Wow. I'm really tired and a tad tipsy and I thought that you had written that your were 16 and in junior high school. hehehe. Sorry. But really. You overheard your mom having a conversation. You did not have the full context of the conversation, and so you should not have jumped to conclusions about what she was talking about. It was actually very narcissistic of you to think that she was talking about you from that little snippet of chatter. I'm sorry. But grow up.

On the bright side, you got your first-ever all "A" report card. As said by the man in that PS3 commercial, "I'm going to file this under 'Not an issue'."

Amortifiedperson 0

Aww! I can imagine this would suck. I would be pretty pissed myself. Well, you got straight A's so that's something just to be happy about all on it's own :)

holy crap your life is ******!! (actually, no, it isn't.)

doesn't mean she's not proud of you too. maybe she was just talking about that and you overheard at the wrong time.