By spriggs - 25/07/2010 09:06 - United States

Today, I was walking down the street and spotted a man who was about 6 and a half feet tall passing by me. As he passed me, I turned and asked him "How's the weather up there?" He then turned around, spat on me, and replied "Raining." FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 847
You deserved it 127 667

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Why do you throw rude comments at random people on the street? God. I must admit, he made the perfect reply.


haha, luck of the draw on that one op. tall people generally either don't mind their height being commented on, or they can't stand it. nice goin, ydi.

You fall right in with the other millions of idiots who only think of themselves and their curiosity!!! I'm 6 foot 9 and every ******* day at least one smartass idiot like you comes up and asks how tall I am, if I play basketball or whatever. It is ******* annoying ... what if people came up to you all the time and asked you about something not so ordinary in your physique ... like how big is your nose? How many pimples are in your face? How many pounds are you overweight? I know I'm tall!!! I don't need wankers like you to remind me of it every second!!!

valuemeal2 1

Seriously!! When people come up to me and go "OMG, you're tall!" I say "OMG, you're observant!" Because really, wtf? It's not like I don't know I'm super tall already. (I'm 6'4" and a girl.)

tiffyxmac 0

well how is the weather down there, shorty

ahahahah "raining" that's so good! I don't see why they care though being tall is nice

valuemeal2 1

I bet you'd disagree if you knew what it was really like. I challenge you to walk into a store and buy a pair of womens' pants with a 40" inseam, mail them to me, and we'll talk.

boatkicker 4

That was actually really clever of him. I approve. I totally saw someone who was 7 feet tall when I was at work the other day. I was sort of amazed.