By ellie - 23/11/2009 18:09 - United States

Today, I was walking on the boardwalk with my mom when an old man came up and asked me to marry him. He promised he would buy me a Mercedes if I did. The man was homeless and delusional. My mom told me I should take the offer because it would be the best offer I could get. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 769
You deserved it 3 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mother probably was just mad cause her best friend probably screwed her boyfriend at prom night


mother knows best especially when your ugly and fat with more body hair than a man.

Where is there a boardwalk in Arizona? I've lived in the phoenix area all my life and have traveled all over the state, yet I have never come across such a wonder.

awkwardlyhonest 0

just because she lives in arizona doesn't mean she was in arizona when it happened..

npk88 0

I was going to ask the same thing...that is the most noticeable thing to me in this rather boring post. lol. I guess its true that they could have been in another state when it happened; but still seems strange!

Silentknight 0

if the guy is clearly homeless and in no position to buy an expensive car, then I'd say she's obviously joking.

Nothing to see here folks. It was just a joke.

Erniesduck123 0

I'll buy you a Chevrolet, just gimme some of your love...

That's a terrible offer. If you're going to get a German car out of the deal, settle for no less than an Audi!

Relax, it was probably a joke. F your sense of humor!