By lobstercola - 24/11/2012 16:35 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I was walking through a crosswalk when a lady in a car looked at me with a horrified expression and then hit her door locks repeatedly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 055
You deserved it 2 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Did you have a bottle of urine in your hand, by chance? Shame on you, trying to spray people in their cars. "Cleaning windows," riiiight!


Have you checked if there are any "wanted" posters of you?

Then OP could go tear them down, and bribe heralds to lower their profile.

49- but when you do so subtly with poison darts, it is very effective. Just don't kill the leader of the Janissaries in front of them, they will be on to you like white on rice.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Or just call in your assassins to do the dirty work for you.

82- I personally prefer the good 'ol arrow storm, but that's just me.

I would have given her a face but that's just me

Psycho_Babydoll 26

Are you a goth or something? Cause that tends to happen to me.... not specifically people locking their cars but similar things that are very unnecessary, just because you don't like how I look doesn't mean I'll attack you like a rabid wolverine. Some people.... FYL.

redmane 21

It tends to happen to people who could get judged. Which is everyone, anywhere: race, style choices, finances, career choice, physical disabilities, etc. I definitely agree with the middle and end of your comment, but the beginning was a little unnecessary.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

I only said it like that because that is exactly what happens to me and to some of my friends, simply because of how we look.

ks23 9

By clicking repeatedly wouldn't she just be locking and unlocking the door? Anyways don't sweat it some people are overly paranoid.

The lock button only locks. The unlock button unlocks. Tracking now?

ks23 9

How about you track every car is different. My car for example has one button push it once it locks keep pushing it unlocks. Repeated pushing result in lock and unlock. Regardless once a car is locked its not going to get anymore more locked by repeated pushing.

Perhaps you should forgo the shaved head, Nazi tattoos, ripped sleeves, and myriad facial piercings in the future. (Before people give me shit for making assumptions, my comment is obviously a joke.)

ks23 9

If its so obvious why did you have to tell us?

Because, sadly, some people are stupid.

Fusion55 7
tsent8 15
olpally 32

Ignore this comment above and thumb it down... Was meant for someone else. Sorry folks.

olpally 32

And hide your husbands cuz they rapin everybody out the remix is stuck in my head!