By Isabelle18 - 19/07/2009 14:14 - Canada

Today, I was walking to work when I saw an empty pop can. Angry at whoever left it, I kicked it out of the way. Turns out it wasn't empty; it was filled with hornets. I had to run 2km to work while being attacked by a giant swarm of wasps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 383
You deserved it 29 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were angry because someone left a can of pop on the ground? Lol. FYL about the hornets though, that sucks.

if you were angry because some one left something on the floor, would you not pick it up and throw it in the bin than kick it? which isn't solving anything. YDI.


5253 0

Weeellll next time don't kick the the can duh!

Hornets or wasps, doesn't matter. The only stinging insect to follow you 2km would be an Africanized Bee (killer bee). No wasp or hornet would protect their nest that far away. This story is at least partially embellished.

I don't think someone would take the time to differentiate between a hornet, wasp, or African killer bee while getting chased by said angry creature

Didn't know they lived in empty small spaces as well as their nests

lilmisslovely13 15

they were probably just attracted to the pop. hornets/wasps/bees like that kind of sweet stuff

123sploosh 0
Cattiva 0

Fuf. This is the school material... For future - if the rhinoceros will run on you, please, just do 2 steps on left or right...

fxdxhk90 0

You should have enough common sense not to do that. Bees and hornets are attracted to sweet things ( like whatever soda was left in the can). But still this is pretty awful, fyl.

For the love of comedy I hope the Benny Hill theme song was playing during all of this

Cattiva 0

I'm crying XD Thank you for such a comment...

fretforyerlatte 0

bahahahahahhahhahahahaha you should of picked it up instead of kicking it like a baby if you we're mad about them littering

lizzilla8297 2

then they wouldve gotten his/ her face instead of just chasing her. but yeah, she/he should've done that. stupid. XD

ydi you retard for kicking the can!!! you should've picked it up and thrown it away!!! you stupid pieace of shit