By Isabelle18 - 19/07/2009 14:14 - Canada

Today, I was walking to work when I saw an empty pop can. Angry at whoever left it, I kicked it out of the way. Turns out it wasn't empty; it was filled with hornets. I had to run 2km to work while being attacked by a giant swarm of wasps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 383
You deserved it 29 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were angry because someone left a can of pop on the ground? Lol. FYL about the hornets though, that sucks.

if you were angry because some one left something on the floor, would you not pick it up and throw it in the bin than kick it? which isn't solving anything. YDI.


Next time try recycling the can instead of kicking it. Karma's a bitch.

PhantomxBrave 0

I don't think many hornets could fit in the can. and why did you kick it for if you were angry? Could have just thrown it away..... But yeah that gotta be scary

Hahaha that's hilarious. You should have stepped on it, then they'd have been dead. They do chase you very far tho, a long time ago in second grade, some of my friends threw a rock at a hornet nest in their mailbox (long story), and they chased us for about 3 blocks till we got to a house. I had a scooter :D

iSmellNice 2

YDI for being angry at litterbugs

dcfan44 0

it sounds fake and YDI for walking to work

BigRedMan15 0

So, just wondering first it was hornets, then it was wasps... make up your damn mind.

mmeow 0

so I created this account to come on here and defend Canadians. 1. For the people that said YDI for using km as a unit of measurement: In case you didn't know this, there are OTHER countries than America!! OMG no way.. and most of said countries use the metric system. so maybe its time for your country to get with the times. 2. "pop" is not throwing back to the 1950's. We say pop here and some places I've been in America also say pop. sooo.. who cares? It's regional dialect. Im sure you call things different names within your OWN country depending on where you live. 3. Saying YDI for being Canadian is the stupidest ******* thing I've ever heard. How can living in a different country somehow make it okay for bad things to happen to you? Last I heard Canadians we're much more accepted and welcomed all over the world than Americans are. I would never say that I wish bad things upon you ignorant posters for being American.. although maybe you should get an education and become a little more cultured. And lastly, I'm not defending the OP because they ARE stupid for what they did and they DID deserve it.

Gotta love people who refer to U.S. as America. Whatever, I get your point. :> OP: FYL.

alertse 0

Way to take every joke on here 100% seriously..

iSmellNice 2

#51, they're just kidding. They don't really think this person deserves it because he's Canadian and uses the metric system

Dam go back to your igloo You stupid Canadian! How can you even access the internet without electricity? Just kidding, I am Canadian and I thought I would throw in some more sterotypes. I agree with what you said.... Except when ppl say, "YDI for being Canadian" they are joking. It isn't a funny joke. But some people like negative attention. It makes them feel needed.

star_ver 0

You're a moron for commenting on every joke as if it were serious and feeling you have to "defend" Canadians on FML. Lrn2internet. I love Canada and hope to move there someday, but seriously...

No, as another fellow Canadian, it just get's really annoying that every American thinks the world revolves around them. Their "Greater than thou" mentality is very tiring.

fyourlife33 0

it doesn't revolve around us?

star_ver 0

It's the ******* Internet, relax. Also, the guys this person was replying to weren't even being serious, so you have no point.

star_ver 0

Every American huh? You know every person in the United States, right? Fail. It's the ******* Internet, relax. If you're catching feelings over what someone jokingly says on FML about your country, you should just gtfo the nets then.

winemysavior 4

you should say some or most americans but not every american. i'm an american and i appreciate other cultures and countries. and i was going to say just ignore the ignorant americans who are put off by the metric system. also how did that person not know that midwestern and other states call soda pop? i don't call it pop at all but at least i know it is said in certain regions. not every american is ignorant!! it's just the stupid ones who give the rest a bad name

SUSAltd 0

2km... That's a pretty long run with a suit and briefcase.

Ok what exactly is 2km in American....lmao FTW for using meters....lmao

happyvalleygirl 0

Since a 5k race is 3.1 miles, the OP's 2 km is almost a mile and a quarter.