By Isabelle18 - 19/07/2009 14:14 - Canada

Today, I was walking to work when I saw an empty pop can. Angry at whoever left it, I kicked it out of the way. Turns out it wasn't empty; it was filled with hornets. I had to run 2km to work while being attacked by a giant swarm of wasps. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 383
You deserved it 29 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were angry because someone left a can of pop on the ground? Lol. FYL about the hornets though, that sucks.

if you were angry because some one left something on the floor, would you not pick it up and throw it in the bin than kick it? which isn't solving anything. YDI.


cattoe7 0

i agree with everyone saying you should have picked it up.. kicking it isn't going to clean it up

Since when do hornets or wasps (can't make up your mind?) follow someone a full 2km before giving up the chase? Last time I accidentally upset some hornets they stopped following me after a few meters. Oh well, you deserve it anyway.

YDI for measuring distance in kilometers.

Stole my line! Gotta find something else now.. hmmm.. YDI for being from Canada.

kaykay10xo 0

hahahaaa y would u kick the can? and y didnt u run in some other building? ohhh and couldnt you just pick it up and throw it away? Ydi

omg xD how many times did you get stung?

Okay: First, why would you kick a popcan instead of recycling it, if you were angry about someone littering? Second, hornets and wasps are two different things. Third, there wouldn't be a "huge swarm" because maybe only 4 or 5 could be in the can at once. Fourth, they wouldn't chase you for 2 kilometers. Maybe 200m? So I have to say you extremly exaggerated this story.... FAIL.

CyclonePsycho 1

More than five hornets/wasps can fit into a soda can. = #51: They're called trolls for a reason...

Ok, for everyone including you whining about wasps and hornets being 2 different types of bees, who cares? You still get the point

iheartmyibbles 0

oouch!! that must of hurt!!

If you were angry that somebody left it, why would you have kicked it, instead of picking it up and throwing it away? You deserved it. I hope you got stung a bunch of times. Besides, I call a fake story. Pics or it didn't happen.

HAHAHa I lol'd at that too, thank god someone else did. 1950's style FML

franthaman 0

Actually, nearly everyone in Canada calls it 'pop'. Everyone in my part of the counry anyway. lol