By notgay - 12/02/2013 02:30 - United States - Alfred

Today, I was walking with my friend. The girl in front of us had a really nice ass, so I turned to my friend and said, "Damn, she has a perfect ass." He replied, "That's a guy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 537
You deserved it 39 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Professor Oak." Are you a boy or girl?"

daringtoride 27

Come on, OP - you definitely deserved that.


Giluh 19

Some males out there just straight up have girly figures now.. I mean look at Justin Bieber. That's one ugly woman!

sure, its like complimenting other guys **** at the public urinal, that's not gay at all

So you say: "Oh. Well shit, that's embarrassing. Damn, HE has a perfect ass."

Traps are the most cruel things of all. FYL.

More like FHL for having an ass like a girl, and I'm assuming wearing tight ass pants.

#69 People like to see good asses on men as well. Just because a guy takes care of his body, exercises and therefore has a good ass it doesn't mean it is girly. Most women I know prefer to look at nice acc on guys than no ass at all.

and? if the dude has a nice ass in your opinion then the dudes got a nice ass. nothing wrong with that

so? If you think the Guy's got a nice ass tgen the dudes got a nice ass. nothing wrong with it don't be a homophobe I've calked guys sexy in front of my girlfriend and I'm straight

so? I'm straight and I've called guys hot in front of my girlfriend don't ve a homophobe. if you think he has a nice ass he has a nice ass.

70,71,& 73-I think you might be confused about your sexuality buddy. You mentioned how your not gay numerous times and that you have a girlfriend. If your gay so what. You don't owe anybody an explanation.

KiddNYC1O 20

That guy has a pefect ass, then. Can't take that away.