By Tiana - 29/01/2012 02:34 - Canada

By Tiana - 29/01/2012 02:34 - Canada
By Anonymous - 04/01/2010 15:49 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/11/2023 22:00 - Germany
By HughGorgy - 20/03/2009 05:37 - Canada
By uh-oh - 21/07/2009 19:45 - United States
By Andrew - 24/09/2010 10:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/03/2010 10:06 - United States
By smellsgood - 13/03/2010 19:32 - United States
By kay_jay1819 - 19/11/2010 05:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/11/2020 21:32 - India
By owngoalscored - 22/09/2018 22:00
Haha that's embarrassing but hey he didn't run away.
Mother knows best?
Someone shouldve locked the door...or at least kept an ear out for any interrupting parents
I would slap her
Hope what you said is just a joke !
I hope she would slap the faeces out of you and kick you out. I can understand that you may not always see eye to eye but even thinking about raising your and against the one who birthed you is just sick...
Slap her?! Damn you need some Colgate whitening strips, cus' you need to lighten the **** up!
56 ur good at comebacks lmfao
I've come to realize that no matter how 'hard' or 'badass' you think you are, when you slap your momma, you will fail. And there will be blood! I slapped my momma ONE time. And it was a HUGE mistake! When I slapped her, I immediately got so scared that she was going to beat my ass that I froze. My momma beat the living shit out of me. Lol And she did it all while having her hand open. I will never slap my momma EVER again! Not only did I lose badly, I realized that that was so disrespectful and I had never been so ashamed of myself! Don't slap your momma. It is a terrible thing to do. And you take the chance of getting the ultimate beat-down!
-116- I can't really see anything that would infer that someone would be badass or tough if they beat a woman, let alone their own mother. If anything, it would prove the exact opposite.
#173. And yet...
You should start doing your own laundry.
That's what I was just thinking. Why would you be making out with a guy and not doing your own laundry...
maybe it's more efficient for all the clothes washing to be done by one person? who says op never does washing? they could take it in turns
If ur old enough to "cream your undies" ur mom doesn't need to be touching them ... Wash ur own ish... Ew
14- if u were actually born in 1996, u should know what creaming is........... if not...... google it? haha
Unless she was born at the start of the year. ;)
Yeah , u would think she would know.. Lol @ people lying about there age!
kids from the 90s are fully aware of what things like these are because today everything in the media is sex and anyone from the age of 11 upwards gets sex ed, then even get taught what some of the slang for certain things are.
I'm from '95 and it took me reading the comments to figure out what creaming meant O_o Am I an idiot?
Oh snap
128 no you're not, not everyone uses the term 'creaming'. in fact I find it a pretty revolting way to describe it!
117- And you look like an ugly **** who could hop off of other people. If your going to give opinions, be ready to receive because i think you shouldn't be on this planet you disgusting disgrace to humanity. Also, don't get angry about this because you brought it upon yourself. If you had never gotten off topic for such dumb shit this comment would not exist.
What rock do you live under?
YDI for not locking your door or not having one. Oh and also for not telling her to be there when he's over.
i think locking the door would make her a lot more suspicious, and teens don't usually get to tell their parents "get out of the house cause my boyfriend's coming over".
Wait, she'd deserve it for not having a door? Really? I doubt that's something under her control.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayNo, but they have the right to their privacy no matter how suspicious it is. And if they are of age, it should not be a matter. Also, instead of saying 'get out of the house' she could say something along the lines of; 'were gonna watch a movie so can you not disturb us?' Or 'my bf is coming over do you mind not coming in my room?' and OP could have also gone to his house.
26 - Not all doors have locks. Most people have a door so... wtf? Also, she may have told her when he'll be coming over. My parents STILL have a problem with me bringing my boyfriend down to my bedroom even if we are just going to watch a movie or game or something. Mind you, there are young kids in the house. But still... not every parent is going to be okay with their kids fooling around in their house, even if they are of age. Most of them aren't. As for your comment 121 - A single person has the right to their own privacy. A couple hanging out in one of the parents' homes do not necessarily have the right to privacy. It's common courtesy to leave your child to hang with their SOs without distractions or embarrassing family members hovering around, but there's nothing in law stating that all parents must leave their kids alone when they have someone over. "Don't disturb us" implies something will happen, so of course the parents will be on guard and are likely to say no. It really doesn't matter if they're of age or not. It's just respectful to listen to your mother and not **** around in her house if she doesn't want you to.
I grew up in my parents house & the #1 rule was lol if you live under their roof you had to follow there rules if you couldn't live on your own you couldn't do as you pleased.... & if I ever talked to my mom like how your saying I would've got slapped in my mouth.... You should respect you mom
Guys won't be turned off by that, don't worry. We are a sick bunch
What is wrong with your mom.